From a common law system to a civil law system. Case law that creates procedural rules.

The conference “Da un sistema di common law ad un sistema di civil law. La giurisprudenza creativa di norme processuali” (“From a common law system to a civil law system. Case law that creates procedural rules”) was held at UNIVERSITÁ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO last 5 December 2019

Belén Mora Capitán, lecturer in procedural law at Universidad Pompeu Fabra and partner in CORTÉS, ABOGADOS, gave a lecture on “Il ruolo della giurisprudenza nell’ordinamento processuale spagnolo. Nel giudizio dinanzi al Tribunal Supremo” (“The role of case law in the Spanish legal system. In trial before the Supreme Court”), as well as an introduction to “The life and work of Prof. Manuel Serra Domínguez, a key figure for Spanish procedural principles.